YOOOOOO whats up fam!?!? For those of you that know me you probably read that in my voice and chuckled a little bit because I'm freaking hilarious. For those of you that don't know me you may have read that in an obnoxious college kid voice and are already clicking off this page. BUT WAIT! I actually have some semi awesome knowledge that I will be sharing on this blog that I really believe can help some people out there!! There are a few reasons I decided to start a blog.
1. For fitness tips. As a trainer, I'm constantly asked for tips, advice, and help on a variety of fitness and health related questions. I am going to be tackling a majority of those topics here. So that when I'm asked in the future, I can refer them to this page. (BOOM, Networking 101)
2. I love writing and sharing experiences. there's only so many phone calls I can make to my mother talking about my day to day activities before she blocks my number. So this is where I'll be blasting A LOT of my content regarding fitness, fashion, and my day to day life. (you're welcome)
3. I want this to be a place where we can build a community of like minded individuals. I'm of the opinion that we were not put on this earth to live an average life. I believe we should Chase Every Opportunity (See what i did there?!?! Wow I'm creative:) ) that comes our way and pursue our goals and dreams to their full potential.
Overall, I want this website to be something that helps, inspires, or just gives some a good laugh, on a week to week basis. It is an exciting new journey that I am honestly so stoked to begin.