Why I Am Taking A Break From College
What Up FAM!?!? It’s me, your favorite comedian/writer/fitness guru… right?? No?? sweet moving on then..
TODAY I want to discuss my decision to take a break from school (and definitely maybe never go back.)
College Education…. Something I was told since birth is the key to success.. The world made it seem like, if we do not get a college degree, we would be flipping burger at McDonalds our whole life. ($15 an hour turn up)
me in 5 years??
BUT is this true? Is a college education the only way to success? I guess ill be the guinea pig and find out for you guys (you’re welcome fam). Here is my definition of a hellish life. I wake up at the age of 30, I go to a boring 9-5 job that I’ve had since I graduated college. I took this job because I make salary, I get health benefits, and there’s a chance for a promotion every few years. I look forward to the weekend because I’m NOT in the office. I constantly daydream throughout the day in my cubicle of what life would be like if I just up and quit. I know I don’t belong behind a desk, I have limitless potential. HOWEVER, I am buried in student debt and the idea of not having a steady income stream scares the ABSOLUTE SHIT out of me. So I do nothing, I go through the motions and become a cog in the boring life machine. BUT DAMNIT DO I HAVE A NICE PIECE OF PAPER SAYING THAT I CAN LEARN SOMETHING AND PASS A TEST OVER IT. I don’t want to determine my value by a freaking piece of paper I payed 50 thousand plus for. In my life, I have learned more real world experiences from working two jobs since I was 16 (Geeze Trev humble brag much?) than I ever have in a classroom. I’m a big fan of Gary V. (if you don’t know who that is check him out HERE) and one thing that he preaches on is focusing on your strengths and fk your weaknesses. My weakness? Sitting in a classroom. My strengths? Interacting with other people and helping them achieve their goals. This life is too short to pursue things we don’t have a passion for.
Once I fully realized this truth then I knew it was time to make a leap. Where in the world is there unlimited opportunity for success for both personal trainers and models? NEW YORK CITY! So what did I do? Moved to NYC. With all this being said, I am not trying to hate on college. For some people it’s the best route, it makes the most sense. For me, right now, it doesn’t. A college education won’t lead to me making more money with the work that I’m doing now (and LOVING). Does this mean that in 5 years I’ll be one of those sad college dropouts turned into a loser stories? It is certainly possible. However, I know that I will not regret making this decision. Because I’m taking a bet on myself. I BELIEVE that I can succeed, and I KNOW that I will work until my dreams become a reality.