
Official website/ blog site of Trevor Franklin.  Content Includes fitness, fashion, and lifestyle. Hope you enjoy!







First of all, happy Valentines Day!!!  Hopefully it was a day spent with loved ones!


Ok on to the topic of finding intrinsic (internal) motivation.

Motivation is crazy, how do we define it? Technically, there is no scientific way to measure how motivated an individual is.  For me, I measure it by the actions that one takes towards their goals.  For example, if one person spends their day working on self-development and furthering their career.  While another person spends it binge watching the office on Netflix, who is more motivated?


There are two types of people, those that are intrinsically motivated, and those that are extrinsically motivated.  Individuals that are intrinsically motivated tend to think, “I make things happen.”  While individuals that are extrinsically motivated think, “Things happen to me.”  Research shows that those who are intrinsically motivated typically have better academic achievement and better interpersonal relations.  While on the other hand, those that are extrinsically motivated typically are complacent with their current situation, and that any consequences of their behavior are out of their control and the world is out to get them.


Is it terrible if we fall under the category of external motivation? NOT AT ALL!  However, I want us all to be internally motivated.  With internal motivation we believe that we control our future.  With this mindset there will never be complacency, but the constant want to continue developing as an individual and pursuing whatever goals we may have.


So what does it take for us to get to a point where we have intrinsic motivation instead of extrinsic?  I wish I had an answer that made sense to everyone and that could get each individual to that point… Unfortunately I do not.. BUT I can give you a list of things that have personally helped me reach intrinsic motivation.


1.     ENVISION SUCCESS- I don’t want this to come across as cliché, but the mind is an incredibly powerful tool we have at our disposal.  Through envisioning our success on a daily basis and seeing us achieving our goals our possibilities are endless.  For example, every morning and evening I envision myself on the cover of Men’s Fitness Magazine.  This type of thinking keeps my goals clear and concise so that everything I do daily pushes me towards the completion of that goal.

2.     STAY POSITIVE- “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.” Seriously love this quote and the truth that it holds.  Again I revert back to the power of our minds (see a trend?!?).   If we as humans continually have the mentality that our goals will be accomplished no matter the obstacles we face, odds are these goals will be achieved. 

3.     SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE- I know this may sound hateful, but when it comes to the people we spend our time with we need to be a little selfish.  If we are constantly around people with no motivation and no goals, guess what happens to us?? We will typically sink to that level.  If we are serious about wanting to make a change in our lives we need to evaluate those around us.  If they do not understand and support our goals, or if they simply have no direction themselves, we may need to reevaluate the amount of time we spend with them




BOOM! There’s 3 things that can hopefully help each one of us change our mentality and push us towards intrinsic thinking and motivation.  Like I have said time and time again.  I do not believe that we as humans were put on this planet to lead average lives.  We each have unique gifts and passions and goals.  It would be a disservice to ourselves to not use our gifts and pursue our passions and goals with ferocity until we accomplish each and every one.  Intrinsic motivation will be a major factor in achievement of our goals.  So take control of your focus, and MAKE IT HAPPEN.



The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness