
Official website/ blog site of Trevor Franklin.  Content Includes fitness, fashion, and lifestyle. Hope you enjoy!

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness



It is what we all pursue, but few seem to find it. So what is the secret? What is it that leads to true happiness?  That is the ultimate question.  I may not have the answer to that question for every single person, but i would love to share my story on how my life went from being miserable to happy with a few major life changes I was forced to make.

Over a year ago I had a job with a company that I thought would be my career.  It was the corporate American dream.  One of those companies where I joined from the start, and was going to rise to the top right with.  I would daydream about being the CEO of my own franchise living in some huge market driving expensive cars with a trophy wife on my arm and beautiful children playing in our massive back yard. Because that's the dream right? That is "Happiness," or at least how it is portrayed by the world today.  In reality, I was working 10-14 hour days, making $13 an hour, and barely being able to eat right and workout. (which kills me)  I just figured I had to pay my dues and eventually my time would come, my big break, and then I could tell my mom I made it and buy her a house or pony or something.  After months of being told I would receive a promotion, be able to move to Dallas, and become a salaried employee, I was fired. Ya, they fired ME?!?!? What were they thinking?!? (Totally kidding my work attitude was -8 on a scale of 1-10) I remember walking into the office dressed in slacks and a button down, thinking I was about to get this big promotion and my life would change for the better.  Then BOOM, life did change, in a much different way than expected.  I changed my school study pathway for this company, I took a smaller class load so that I could work more hours, I did countless hours of research on my own in hopes that it would put me ahead of others in the company.  All for nothing, it was now useless information and set me back multiple semesters on my path to graduation.  When asked why I had been fired, I was told it was for a bad attitude.. WHAT?!? I am the poster boy for warm fuzzies and overall being a happy camper.  

The next few days were a mental trip.  I went through phases of happiness due to my newfound freedom, to phases of anxiety and panic because I honestly felt like I was going to have to move back in with my parents and work at some dead end job for the rest of my life.  I had two huge blessings during that time.  Both my family and the girl that I was dating at the time.  They both snapped me out of my funk, gave me unending attention, and stayed supportive throughout the entire process.  I honestly do not know what I would have done without them by my side.  My next task was finding happiness, the ever eluding thing the we all want in this life.  I evaluated the things that I love and have passion for.  The answer was simple, physical health and fitness.  It is the one thing I have stuck with since my youth, the one thing that has led to many of my opportunities that I have today.  I got certified as a personal trainer and began taking on clients, I haven't looked back since.  The reason I tell that story is because it was the best thing that has happened to me career wise.  At the time, I thought my life was over.  When in actuality, it was a door opening to something that makes me happier than a mansion full of puppies!  My life went from dreading work and what it stood for, to me loving what I do and enjoying every second with my clients that entrust me with their fitness goals.  

As I said in the beginning, I am no master on happiness.  However, the attributes that led me to this much happier lifestyle are as follows.

1. Accept that which you cannot change- getting fired was somewhat out of my control.  Why dwell on it? Move on and pursue bigger goals.

2. Don't chase money- In my mind I thought that my "corporate" job would eventually lead me to wealth beyond my wildest dreams.  When in actuality I was miserable and hated what I was doing.  I now make double and work less, and doing something I truly love and have passion for.

3.  Don't rely on people or things to make you happy- to be truly happy I believe we need to love ourselves for who we are and realize just how amazing each one of us is.  We all have unique talents and they should be celebrated on a regular basis.