
Official website/ blog site of Trevor Franklin.  Content Includes fitness, fashion, and lifestyle. Hope you enjoy!



HELLLLOOOOOOOO to all you awesome humans!


So I recently got to visit the awesome state of California for spring break!  It did not involve large masses of drunken college kids and possibly illegal and explicit activity so it was both a win for me and my dignity!!


A few things that I want to cover in this blog:

1.     We all have the right to LIVE LIFE

2.      Step out of your effing comfort zone

3.     Surround yourself with people who will push you, motivate you, and overall share your lifestyle with you





We all have the right to LIVE LIFE

            I am by no means a crazy adventurous type of person.  I am a chronic over thinker and the type of person that plans out trips and thinks of every possible thing that could go wrong.  HOWEVER, I do not let that stop me from living my life.  When I’m 75 talking to my grandkids trying to impress them on how badass I was when I was younger, do you think me telling them I stayed in one place my whole life is going to do the trick?? HELL NO! I want to tell them about all the places I saw and all the adventures I had while I had the freedom to do so!  While in our twenties we have to live life a little more selfishly.  Typically it will be when we have our lowest amount of responsibility and most amount of freedom, so take advantage!  



Step out of your EFFING comfort zone

            There are at least three people on my twitter feed that constantly talk about how crappy Lubbock or whatever town they live in is.  It is a constant barrage of “cant wait to leave this town,” “there’s nothing to do here,” stuff like that.  First of all I hate negativity, also Lubbock is not THAT BAD.  Incredibly cheap living costs and great opportunities to save up and travel.  Sorry I digress, to those that are not happy with their situation.  MAKE A CHANGE.  You hate Lubbock? Cool so move, what is stopping us from chasing something bigger and better? Money an issue? Sell your belongings, get another job, do something to rectify the problem.  If we truly have the passion and want to make a change, then we will do it.  With that being said, I know it is not easy to do alone, and I was fortunate to have an awesome support system both when I went to New York for modeling and when I randomly scheduled a trip to L.A. to see if that’s where I want to move once I graduate.  Which leads me to my last point.


Surround yourself with people who will push you, motivate you, and overall share your lifestyle with you

            This is Jade Beerman, and she does not get enough credit for the role she plays in my life.  She is one of my best friends, personal photographer, pizza buddy, Office watching companion, and also one of the only people I can go to for pretty much anything.  She has helped me achieve more than people realize, and I don’t think I would be where I am today without her help.  When I said I wanted to go to Cali for spring break she literally called with me with flights ready to be booked and a place we could stay.  We all need a person like this in our lives.  Being independent and going after your dreams alone is great, but there’s something about having a person in our corner that really understands us.  It makes a difference I assure you.



I know that I say this a lot, but people we were not born to be average.  God did not create us to be average individuals that work a 9-5 every day and live a mediocre life.  We were born to live life to fullest and enjoy all that it has to offer.  So please LIVE YOUR LIFE boldly without the fear of failure.

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