
Official website/ blog site of Trevor Franklin.  Content Includes fitness, fashion, and lifestyle. Hope you enjoy!





Soo this blog will be relatively short.  I want to give you guys the MOST INSANE arm workout you will ever do!

WARNING- I am 100% responsible for your sick pump/insane gainz that you receive once this workout is completed, and expect full credit.  Full credit could be a shout out, bring me chipotle, or name your first-born child after me.  Your call!



For arms day I usually do a shoulder mobility warm up.  Followed by 2 sets of LIGHT dumbbell head bangers lying down.  Followed by 2 sets of LIGHT seated dumbbell hammer curls.  I usually do 20 reps of the head bangers and 10 reps of the hammer curls.

For the next four exercises I use a cable machine.  I start with biceps but biceps and triceps are interchangeable. For each of the four sets you will do reps of 40 for the first set, 30 for the second set, 20 for the third set, and three sets of 10 totaling 6 sets.  I start at 40 lbs for each and go up 10 lbs each set.

For the straight bar curls, make sure to keep wrists limp so that all the tension is on the biceps.  Make sure to control the weight all the way up and down.  Time under tension= muscle growth.


For the tricep rope extensions, again stay controlled.  Make sure to pause at the bottom of the movement so that the tricep is fully flexed.


For rope curls, treat it as a hammer curl, at the top of the movement turn the palms up so that the biceps are fully flexed.


For straight bar tricep extensions, treat it the same as the rope extensions, with a full flex at the bottom.

If the start and end weight is too heavy or light, adjust as needed.



·      40, 30, 20, 10,10,10 reps- straight bar curl(start 40 lbs- end 90 lbs)

·      40, 30, 20, 10,10,10 reps- tricep rope extensions(start 40 lbs- end 90 lbs)

·      40, 30, 20, 10,10,10 reps- rope curls(start 40 lbs- end 90 lbs)

·      40, 30, 20, 10,10,10 reps- straight bar tricep extensions( start 40 lbs- end 90 lbs)



·      4 sets- incline dumbbell curls- start with heavy weight, go lower each set. Rep range of 8-12 per set

·      4 sets- flat bench EZ bar head bangers- start with heavy weight, go lighter with each set, rep range of 8-12 per set



The goal here is to go to COMPLETE FAILURE with each set, minimal rest in between.

Dumbbell cross curls (with these make sure to keep your palms facing your body, as you curl bring dumbbell to opposite pec) start with weight that you can get 6-8 reps with, drop 5 lbs each set. 5 sets total.



The importance of stretching

The importance of stretching