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The importance of stretching

The importance of stretching

Do you even stretch bro!?!? We have all heard the timeless expression "make sure you stretch!"  But is it really that important?? YES! Only when done properly and at the right time though!  There are two types of stretching- static and dynamic.  

static stretching is where you hold a position for more than 30 seconds in order to elongate the muscle.  Dynamic stretching is stretching actively and with controlled movements used to increase blood flow and range of motion.  Here's the easiest way I can describe this.  Think of your body before a workout as a frozen rubber band.  Which is the easier way to warm this rubber band up; trying to stretch it to its fullest length? No, that will break the rubber band.  the best way to warm up the rubber band would be smaller, controlled movements until the rubber band is warmed.  

That is how we need to stretch.  Before a workout, dynamic stretching is ideal to increase blood flow and range of motion.  This will prepare our bodies for exercise.  After a workout, when our bodies are still fairly warm, we can then static stretch.  Since our bodies are still warm the static stretch will not have the potential for muscle tears or pulls.  It will help keep the muscle tissue healthy.

BOOM SCIENCE, try these stretching techniques!