
Official website/ blog site of Trevor Franklin.  Content Includes fitness, fashion, and lifestyle. Hope you enjoy!

my FAV ab exercises!!

my FAV ab exercises!!




Sooooo if you’re reading this you want some tips and tricks on abs right??? So here’s the short list on how to get some killer abs.

1.     DON’T TRAIN F*%&$NG ABS!!


OMG what!?! Why not!?!

Because it is literally pointless to train abs unless you are already below around 12% Body fat.


I know I know, you guys probably think I’m an idiot, right? Since we were young and began exercising we were taught that crunches and sit-ups would give us the 6 pack of our dreams.  Is this true? To an extent, yes.  HOWEVER, as humans, we were all born with abs! Yes you heard me right.  WE ALL HAVE ABS.  The difference?? Each and every persons abs are covered by varying levels of fat.  For those of that can see your abs and are pretty lean.  That’s awesome, DO ab exercises.  They will help add definition and increase separation in the abdominals giving them a harder look.


FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT CANNOT SEE YOUR ABS ALREADY.  Do NOT train abs.  You are not using your time efficiently.  The best strategy to get to the point of ab definition would be a proper nutrition, workout, and cardio regimen.  Ever heard “you can’t outwork a bad diet?”  That is semi true.  The actual saying should be “you can’t have 6 pack abs with a bad diet.”  That’s a saying I can support fully.  Any exercise is better than no exercise, and we will see results with exercise and the same diet we have followed in the past.  For those of us that want some killer abs, this is not the case. Here’s the first steps we need to take so that we can throw out the washing machine. (LOL GET IT?!?!? ITS SO WE CAN USE OUR “WASHBOARD ABS!  Not funny?? Lame)


1.     Calculate Basal Metabolic Rate so that we know how many calories you burn at rest.  Once calculated you will need to determine activity level and assess goal so that proper amount of calories per day can be produced.  

Calculate BMR here

2.     Change your cardio, workout routine- Odds are if we do not have six pack abs at this moment, our workouts aren’t doing the trick.  I would begin each workout with intense cardio (I love the stair master, I use the word love loosely)  The goal is to get your heart rate to 70-85% of your max heart rate.  These are optimal fat burning zones.

3.     I would then implement HIIT into your regimen by incorporating a variance of exercises designed to target the entire body, or multiple muscle groups.  This is so that more calories are expended during our workouts.

4.     DO FASTED CARDIO- It sucks, It’s probably what Hell is like.  BUT IT WORKS.  I implement it into my plan and I am more lean than I have been in my life.  Fasted cardio will be great for targeting more hard to reach areas where fat is stored.  Remember there is no such thing as fat spot reduction, but fasted cardio is pretty flippin close.

Incorporate these things into your fitness regimen and I can guarantee results will be seen.  Will it take a week? NO.  It will take months and possibly years, but for those that truly want to achieve their goals, it is a small price to pay.  SO MAKE IT HAPPEN!!

My Daily Nutrition!

My Daily Nutrition!

Pre workout nutrition

Pre workout nutrition